Start / Automarken USA
require '';
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my @parts = split(/\//, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
$esp_qry = $parts[$#parts - 1];
if($esp_qry =~ /_/) {
my @qry_parts = split(/_/, $esp_qry);
$esp_qry = $qry_parts[$#qry_parts];
my $qry_enc = &URLencode($esp_qry);
my $addr = "$qry_enc";
my($real_URL, $title, $description, $emg, $espot_results, $i) = ();
my $page = &get_URL($addr,10);
my @parts = split(/P=/, $page);
my $i = 1; my $j=1;
while (($j<4) && ($i<$#parts) ) {
if($parts[$i] =~ /redirector\.asp/) {
if($parts[$i] =~ m{T=(.*?)\nD=(.*?)\nU=(.*?)\n.*?I=(.*?)\n}isg) {
$title = $1;
$description = $2;
$real_URL = $3;
$emg = $4;
if(!($emg =~ /^http/)) {
$emg = '';
$espot_results .= <<"endofhtml";
$title $description weiter...
if($espot_results) {
print <<"endofhtml"; Webtipps: $esp_qry
sub URLencode # URL encoding of illegal characters
my($s) = @_; # string to encode
my($str, $c, $c1, $c2, $char) = ();
my @h = ('A'..'F'); # hex numbers
while ($s =~ m/(.)/g) {
$char = $1;
if($char !~ /([\w\. ])/ ) { # encode only non-word symbols
$c = ord $char;
$c1 = $c % 16; # making first hex digit
if($c1 > 9) {
$c1 = $h[$c1 - 10];
$c2 = int ($c / 16); # making the second hex digit
if($c2 > 9) {
$c2 = $h[$c2 - 10];
$char = "%$c2$c1"; # this is the hex code of the symbol
$str .= $char;
$str =~ s/ /+/g; # encode white spaces with + signs
return $str; # return URL-encoded string
AM Hummer (1) AM Hummer Acura (2) Acura, USA Buick (1) Buick, USA Cadillac (1) Cadillac, USA Callaway (1) Callaway, USA. Chevrolet (3) Chevrolet Chrysler (7) Chrysler, USA Dodge (2) Dodge, USA
Ford (3) Ford Motor Company, USA GMC (1) GMC, USA Jeep (3) Jeep, USA Oldsmobile (1) Oldsmobile, USA Panoz (1) Panoz, USA Pontiac (3) Pontiac, USA Verschiedene (4) Seiten, die sich mit Amischlitten und
Straßenkreuzern allgemein befassen.
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[an error occurred while processing this directive]